Overhaul of website from concept to completion for a multi-faceted non-profit. Process methods: analysis, sitemap, digital mock-ups, functionality and accessibility assessment

Approach to Goals:
Organize and structure a holistic website that explained the mission and purpose of various entities, while keeping enterprise businesses, donations and community outreach in the forefront.

Previous website
- Outdated content and components
- Too much text and no visual impact
- Overwhelming navigation
- Lack of information hierarchy

- Performed an analysis of needs and required functionality
- Solidified objectives and target audience
- Chose a linear sitemap so that it was easy for non-technical decision makers to follow

Concept Mockups
- Provided digital mockups to present to staff and developer
- Used high-fidelity design to appeal to those wanting to understand a look and feel of site

Creative PowerPoint presentations were used to communicate the process, workflow, end project expectations